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EIA Accused of Anti-Renewables Bias

Posted in Wind by Cheryl Morgan on the January 9th, 2009

Energy Watch Group, a German-based renewables advocacy organization whose membership includes a number of German and Swiss politicians, has published a new report on the wind power industry. The report is particularly critical of the Energy Information Administration, and pulls no punches. This:

We conclude by saying that the IEA Outlook remains attached to oil, gas, coal and nuclear, and renewables seem to have no chance to reverse this trend. This organization, whose constitutional task would be to protect consumers from price hikes and to deliver energy security, has been and is deploying misleading data on renewables for many years.

Is followed by this:

One has to ask if the ignorance and contempt of IEA toward wind power and renewables in general is done within a structure of intent. Renewables tend to look ever expensive and close to irrelevant while oil, coal and nuclear look irreplaceable in the IEA World Energy Outlook reference scenarios. Is it this message that big companies and US presidents need to fight a war for oil, subsidies and profits, disguised as a “war on terrorism”.

(Our emphasis.)

Strong words indeed. You can find the whole report here, and a summary of the controversy in The Guardian.

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