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Introducing Irena

Posted in Germany,Renewables by Cheryl Morgan on the January 26th, 2009

At a conference in Bonn today a new international energy association will be founded. The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) is a German initiative supported by a number of other European countries including Denmark, Spain, France and the Netherlands. According to its web site:

IRENA aims at becoming the main driving force in promoting a rapid transition towards the widespread and sustainable use of renewable energy on a global scale.

Which is all very fine and noble. Many developing countries are keen to participate. Those that have promised to sign up include Vietnam, Paraguay, Mali, Ethiopia and Eritrea. However, major energy consumers such as the USA and China appear to be less keen on the idea (membership fees are means-tested, so larger countries would have a fairly hefty bill). And according to The Guardian the UK is rolling out the usual “if the big boys aren’t playing we won’t either” excuse.

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